"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

- Carl Gustav Jung

What is shadow work?

Shadow work brings hidden parts of a person’s unconscious into their conscious awareness. Ultimately, it is about releasing patterns of being that have often inadvertently held a person back.

If any form of real change is truly desired in life, then we must go deeper within ourselves and take a new level of responsibility for managing our inner world. Shadow work is critical to this as it uncovers the beliefs, meanings and narratives that shape our identity.

Shadow Work Made Simple

This course demystifies shadow work, making it accessible to more people. Here are just some of the benefits:

  • It builds rapid insight and builds lifelong self-reflective capabilities.

  • It transforms relationships including those that are challenging and even dysfunctional.

  • It builds resilience, self-accountability and self-responsibility.

  • It enhances self-awareness and emotional maturity

Shadow work requires a healthy dose of resilience and perseverance. If you do have any underlying mental health concerns or if you are feeling really hesitant it might not be the right time to do this work.  At the very least it is recommended you discuss this with a health professional prior to embarking.

That said, we are greatly looking forward to sharing this work with you and shining a light on those long-neglected parts of you that make up your shadow.


Marwin Silerio

Personal Trainer/Actor, Auckland, NZ

“10/10. I am so grateful I got given this opportunity to test it. I have and would highly recommend it to everyone.”

Veronika Skrypal

Product Manager, NZ

"10/10 LOVE IT. exactly what I was after… It made me understand myself more. It made me see the stories that I tell myself. It made me take accountability for my life and my feelings.”


GP, Auckland, NZ

“HUGE impact. I have more understanding and tools on how to manage my ego, my personal and professional relationships. This has been life changing. I have also included journaling and 10 minutes of meditation into my everyday morning routine because of this course. This has helped sharpen the skill of self-observation and awareness.”


GP, Auckland, NZ

“Much greater awareness of my response to others and understanding this in order to consider what this may mean and how I could do things differently. Also understanding that when people are upset at things I do or say, why might that be, so they can adapt and change rather than simply having the emotions attached.”

Helen Milner

Creative Brand Strategist, Wellington, NZ

“It expanded my knowledge and depth of understanding of the work and of me… the impact?- enlightenment and joy at coming back to do this mahi and continuing to do it.”

Anna Mulvaney

Auckland NZ

“Each time I work through these exercises they have more impact and I understand them more. I seem to be able to let go of a bit more of my inhibitions, I’m not sure if this is because I’ve done some of the work before or because I am doing it by myself rather than in a group.”

Tania Ng-van Paddenburg

HR Director, New Zealand

“Very useful post the in-person course as I found it supplemented my learning. The online version gave me time to digest, think, process, pause whilst having the in-person course experience to draw from.”

V Gherman

Creative Industries, USA

"A very clean and clear methodology to unwrap my internal clutter and unconscious behavior. Such a wonderful learning experience. Even after having read books that share some of these familiar ideas and concepts, this course gave me the framework to actually work through them methodically. It gave me the opportunity to truly apply them in my life."

Jo Murphy

Commercial Manager, Construction Industry

"This has been an amazing experience , I feel like there is so much to learn & take in that I would need to go through it again to get even deeper. Thank you"

Angela Johnston

Early Childhood Sector

"My self-belief has grown hugely which has been reiterated very recently by fellow work colleagues. Even last week was told by two different people that any ECE centre is very lucky to have me - so self-affirming."

Shadow Work Made Simple

    1. Prerequisite For This Course

    2. 1.1 Welcome To Shadow Work

    3. 1.2. Frequently Asked Questions

    4. 1.3 Two practices to get the most out of the course

    5. 1.4 Introductory Self Awareness Activity

    6. 1.5 Imagination vs Intellect

    7. 1.6 Resisting The Change Process

    8. 1.7 Anxiety vs Curiosity

    9. 1.8 Introduction To Meditation

    10. 1.9 Journaling Exercise

    1. 2.1 Noticing Who Is Running The Show

    2. 2.2 Understanding Ego

    3. 2.3 Guided Reflection

    4. 2.4 Journaling Exercise

    1. 3.1 Who's Looking At Whom?

    2. 3.2 Carl Jung And The Three Realms

    3. 3.3 Archetypes Of The Human Psyche

    4. 3.4 Guided Reflection

    5. 3.5 Journaling Exercise

    1. 4.1 Understanding Beliefs

    2. 4.2 Meaning-Making And Belief Formation

    3. 4.3 Journaling Exercise : Belief Systems

    4. 4.4 The Formation Of A Self-Limiting Belief

    5. 4.5 Preparation For The Remembering Exercise

    6. 4.6 Guided Reflection - Remembering Me

    7. 4.7 Journaling Exercise

    1. 5.1 Acknowledgement Of A Self-Limiting Belief

    2. 5.2 The Ego Response To Self-Limiting Beliefs

    3. 5.3 The Split

    4. 5.4 Understanding the Process Of Persona And Shadow Formation

    5. 5.5 The Function Of The Persona/Mask

    6. 5.6 How Do You Know It's A Mask?

    7. 5.7 Guided Reflection - Revealing Your Mask/s

    8. 5.8 Naming My Masks

    9. 5.9 Exercise: The Dial

    10. 5.10 Exercise: Mask Reflection

    11. 5.11 Journaling Exercise

    1. 6.1 Mid-Course Check In

    2. 6.2 The Shadow

    3. 6.3 Exercise: Shedding Light on the Shadow

    4. 6.4 Understanding Shadow Projection

    5. 6.5 Reflecting on the Gold

    6. 6.6 The Fastest Way To Find Your Shadow

    7. 6.7 Exercise: Working through a Shadow

    8. 6.8 Journaling Exercise


  • $750.00

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